Day zero... Leaving "town"

There are of course many very good reasons for us not to be travelling at the moment. However, should you find yourself having to travel for some reason or other you may find it to be surprisingly pleasant. Those of you who know me well, know that I can find travelling quite stressful and so doing it in the midst of a global pandemic with (what felt like) a vast amount of luggage and with the purpose of moving to another country had potential to press a lot of my buttons...

As it happens, it was (of course) absolutely fine. Based on the experience we can thoroughly recommend empty airports with their short queues and flights that set off 20 minutes ahead of schedule.

The best and worst part of the day was the walk down the lane early in the morning for our lift to Penrith station. A fine example of Lorton's hold on those of us lucky enough to live there and of course a solid reminder of what we will one day return to.