Way back when all this COVID stuff started, in the first week of the UK lockdown, I cycled up to the car park at the Whinlatter Forest centre and there was absolutely no one there! Anna was sadly still laid up in bed with the dreaded COVID, so I recorded the sound of the forest to take back to her. Now you can hear it too!
Loch Crenan
Last October we went to Oban on a rough water confidence sea kayaking course and camped in our van right next to Loch Crenan; a great spot by the way. The rut was in full swing and we walked in the dusky light listening to the stags, like this one.
Schneeberg Forest
And so to Austria! I thought it might be good for you to hear some of what we've been hearing. I confess, this was mostly inspired by cow bells, but first here is some forest sounds from the flanks of the Schneeberg. This was one of our first proper outings with our ace hiking club!
Schneeberg Meadow
Cow bells! This was recorded in a beautiful meadow on the Schneeberg, with cows and lots of spring flowers and bees. It is right next to a hut that sells enormous Buchteln! (A Buchtel is like a cross between a brioche bun and a doughnut - they're yummy!).
Hochswab - Androthalm
More cows! This is a recording from a hut we stopped at on the middle day of our fantastic weekend in the Hochswab. Along with another big group of hikers we were enjoying cake and beer in the garden of the Androthalm hut when the herd came over to see what was going on, in that inquisitive way that cows do! Eventually the lady who ran the hut chased them off with a broom!